Your eyebrows tell about your character - face Reading

Face Reading

Your Eyebrows tell about your personality


Eyebrows have three major types then the there types have commonly two types there are high and low eyebrows.Then we have identified a person character with 10 specific types that tell the specific character of the person.

The three major types:

  • Curved Eyebrows: Your mental focus is people-oriented. You connect & relate to the world best through your understanding of people. Sometimes you can understand an idea or theory better if it is explained to you in terms of a personal example or experience. It is best not to burden you with too much technical detail without showing you the real-world application (usefulness).
  • Straight Eyebrows: Your approach is direct and factual, and you want the technical details. You appreciate logic, and you will need to be shown all the facts and available data before accepting something as true. You mentally evaluate the hard facts without letting emotion affect your judgement.
  • Angled Eyebrows: If is important for you to stay mentally in control of any situation in which you find yourself. Gregarious and expensive, you may have good leadership qualities because few people will challenge your authority. You like to be right and usually are, having conscientiously “done your homework.” You stay mentally focused. 


  • High Eyebrows: You are discerning, selective, and discriminating. You need time to observe and work out ideas completely before acting. You protect yourself with a wait-and-see approach. You need time to put new information for you to understand how you feel about the subject and how the parts relate to the whole. You store information with an emotional tab; by recalling the feeling, you can often recall the event with surprising clarity. You detest being put on the spot to make a snap assessment or to make a decision about something new before you have had time to reflect on it and understand it.
  • Low Eyebrows: You are expressive, quick to take action and you process information quickly. You want to get the job done and do it now. You may have a tendency to interrupt others when they seem too slow to speak because you can often anticipate what they are going to say before they have finished saying it. You are initially optimistic but may become antagonistic if criticised. Your challenge is to develop more patience with others who don’t have your gift of mental quickness. 


Bushy: You are a mentally active person, full of thoughts and ideas. Bushy eyebrows can indicate a powerful intellect. You are a non-stop thinker.

Thin (like a pencil line): You are single-minded, focusing on one thing at a time. Your challenge is being overly sensitive to how you imagine others see you. You probably think they are more critical than they really are. You sometimes feel overly self-conscious.

Winged (thick at beginning, becoming thinner at ends): You need to be on the planning committee! You love coming up with big, new ideas. Your visionary approach allows you to create exciting new plans, but your challenge is with follow-through. Delegate details to someone else to free you up to focus on your grand vision.

Even (same thickness throughout length): Your thoughts flow smoothly, evenly and you easily grasp whole concepts. Your challenge is developing a tolerance for other people’s difficulty with detail. By your mental standards, the rest of the world may seem slow or even unable to fully comprehend ideas.

Managerial (thin at beginning, thicker at outer edges): You may be slow to start something new, but once a task is accepted, you have great follow-through. Mentally tidy, well-organized, and methodical, you do well in any roles that require attention to detail and completion. You dot all the I's and cross all the T's

Continuous/Uni-brow: Your thoughts are continuous and restless. Your challenge is to learn to mentally rest and relax. If you have a problem, you may have trouble sleeping because you can’t stop thinking. Meditation helps.

Tangled hairs (eyebrow hairs tangle): Your wild eyebrows signal that you are an unconventional thinker whose thoughts range over many areas, This gives you the ability to see all sides of an issue, and you may enjoy playing devil’s advocate to discover hidden truths. Your unusual mind may also attract unwanted conflict. If you’re getting more conflict than you want, try combing your eyebrows!

Access hairs (hairs growing straight up at beginning): You have a strong connection between your inner feelings and your logical thinking. You have an ability to be aware of potential problems immediately. Access hairs on the right side indicate that you spot problems in business and the public area. On the left side, they indicate you anticipate (expect/predict) potential problems in relationships.

Scattered hairs (single hairs outside of eyebrows): Your focus is wide ranging. You have a curious mind and are mentally drawn to many different topics. Each individual hair could almost be read as a separate mental interest. Your challenge is remaining focused on a single topic.

Chameleon (nearly invisible eyebrows): Your eyebrows do not give you away. Others may think you are just like them, whether you are not. You can blend into almost any group and you may be a talented negotiator because you can extract more information than you reveal.

SOURCE: “Amazing Face Reading” By Mac Fuller, J.D.


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