Personality Based Hair Color

Face Reading

Your Hair tell about your personality


Blonde hair:

Blonde hair is showing physical weakness and indifference.They may seem impressionable and easy but in reality, they have the strongest consciousness, a great memory, this hair colour reflects youthfulness, obedience and naivete.

Black hair:

Black hair without curls shows a person that is melancholic and looks calm. She is pessimistic and transmits her dark ideas all around. Curly hair shows joy and affection.

Brown hair:

Brown hair looks susceptibility and a romantic character, love of travel and adventure, these people have a strong character, and liberal ideas often they are indifferent.

Dark brown silky hair:

Dark brown silky hair shows a pretty and attractive nature, with a power of seduction.These people are sensible, love the company they are with, are proud and confident.

Brown hair, coarse, show an independent nature, not very sensitive, indifferent. They are responsible (good financial handling), reliable and usually more hardworking than others.

Dark red hair:

Dark red hair, they definitely look courageously and often dark red-haired people are quarrelsome, sceptical and angry. They possess great physical energy and an almost brutal force.

Bright red hair:

Bright red hair looks intelligent, sensitive, lucid spirit. If the hair is silky, it shows a loving nature, lively and passionate. If the skin is white it shows imagination, poetic character, romantic, art and music lover.

Pale red hair looks stylish but they have a lack of firmness.

A man with a hairy figure is sentimental, he has strength, energy, power and love sports and exercises outdoor. A man with no hair is a cunning man, diplomat, clever, he has tact in business, intelligent, his spirit is dominating the field.


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