Place An Onion Slice On Your Teeth... This Could Save Your Money

Onions can be best used for toothaches.

Well, the toothache pain can really drive you mad. So, if you use onion in right manner, you can easily get rid of that pain easily.

As the first sign of a toothache, chew raw onions for a few minutes.

This will not only relieve pain but also will alleviate minor toothaches before you make a visit to a dentist for it.

Well, it's simple to get rid of toothaches and dental problems. Just follow this.

Place an onion slice on your teeth and let it set there for a few minutes.

Basically, what happens is that the onion juice that gets released in mouth acts on throbbing tooth and cures the pain.

The other methods you can use for curing a toothache are mentioned below.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is a very popular remedy to cure toothaches. You just need to soak a cotton ball in the mixture made from 2-3 drops of clove oil and 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil and place it inside your mouth close to the throbbing tooth.

This will alleviate your pain

Cough Drops

Cough drops have anaesthetic properties that can make you get rid of the minor pain. Take one or two cough drops and just suck them.

Remember not to chew them.

Rinse it off!

You should try flossing, rinsing with mouthwash or using interdental brushes to remove the food trapped between your teeth. Because many times trapped food is responsible for causing toothache.


Place a cucumber slice on the tooth as it has many properties to numb the painful area.

Tea Bag

Apply a hot tea bag directly to the aching tooth as tea includes tannic acid that lowers swelling.

Ginger Root

Eliminate the bark of the ginger root and cut it into the pieces. Place it on painful tooth and chew it. And you'll see the pain to be decreasing gradually.


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