Your eye types differentiate your character - face Reading

Face Reading

Your eye types differentiate your personality


Brown eyes –

Brown eyes are all about the Earth qualities of a person, including energy, fertility, endurance, creativity, lots of courage, and of course, grounding. And they are not much interested in material gains. They love nature, are spiritual and are very strong and even thick-headed at times, very independent.

Black eyes –

Oh mystery, sex, witchcraft, secrets, darkness (vampires anyone?). If you’ve read any romances and especially paranormal romances, you’ll notice that all the heroes (and romantic vampires) have black eyes. They are all mysterious and all the attributes listed above can be easily given to each and one of them. They never tell much about themselves and they also are known to have psychic powers.

Hazel eyes –

They are again independent and courageous. They are extremely sensible and they are said to be empathy.

Blue eyes –

Blue speaks about clairvoyant abilities (didn’t we just say the black eyes are the psychic ones?) and can see the future and the past like Nostradamus or Edgar Cayce. They are also very observant of their surroundings. Blue speaks of the energy of the sky and water (BIG surprise there!)

Green eyes –

Would you be surprised if I told you that green eyes are all about nature, healthy living, freshness? These people of all types are compassionate and they are spiritual in nature. They are our healers.

Grey eyes –

These folks are also sensitive and have an inner strength that not many others possess. They have a deep wisdom and can change their mood to suit the current occasion.

Eyes that change colours and shades, show imagination and levity in feelings, but honesty in business. The character of these people is lively and courageous.

Large round eyes -

show those who are mainly interested in the opposite sex. They are intelligent, impulsive, imaginative and affectionate. If it is a big space between the eyes, they are honest, innocent and simple. Closed eyes show the ability to focus, restlessness and a pleasure for changing things.

Small eyes -

are of observers, mischievous and cunning. These people seek to take advantage of the smallest thing.

Closed eyes-

reveals an aptitude for foreign languages learning and a good memory, if the eyes are distanced they show stupidity.

Eyelids covering eyes -

shows larger sensuality, increasing if that person has rough black hair.


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