Natural Home Remedies And Tips For Nausea

Nothing is worse than feeling nauseous. It can happen after surgery or during pregnancy. Nausea may also hit you when you are nervous or sick or eat leftover food!

Regardless of the reason, natural anti-nausea treatments will save the day. They have lesser side effects than store-bought medications. You might even already have them at home!
You’ll feel good as new thanks to these five natural remedies for nausea.
Natural Remedies And Tips For Nausea

1. Try Aromatherapy With Peppermint Oil

Aromatherapy is commonly used for immediate relief from nausea. Multiple oils are used for this purpose, one of the most frequent and effective being peppermint oil.

Peppermint essential oil has a calming effect that can soothe unpleasant feelings such as including nausea. It is especially effective on nausea and vomiting postoperation.1 Nausea caused by irritable bowel syndrome or headaches due to tension can also be resolved with peppermint oil.2
Add a few drops to a diffuser and sniff or do so directly from the bottle. If you’d like to apply it on your skin, always dilute it with a carrier oil. Options for carrier oils include coconut, olive, grapeseed, and avocado oil.

2. Eat Ginger

Ginger is an all-natural relief from nausea used commonly in traditional medicines such as Ayurveda. Ginger is suggested for those facing nausea as an aftereffect of chemotherapy3 or some medical procedure.4 It is also effective for women post-C-sections.5

You can eat it fresh or make tea using ginger. You can also find ginger candy in the markets; however, the strong flavour isn’t for everyone. In such cases, try ginger capsules or ginger ale.

3. Sniff Some Lemons

The refreshing scent of lemon is a natural medicine and frequently used in aromatherapy for nausea. According to a study, pregnant women who sniffed lemons witnessed reduced nausea and vomiting tendencies within 24 hours.6

Sniff on lemon essential oil or a freshly cut lemon. You can also suck on a lemon wedge or mix lemon juice and honey with hot water.

4. Keep A Hot Water Bag

Women who suffer from menstrual cramps know the benefits of hot water bags, which also apply for nausea. The heat relaxes the muscles and works wonders for an upset stomach.

Keep the hot water bag on your tummy for at least 10 minutes. Be careful as extreme heat might hurt you. Place a cloth in between your tummy and the bag if too hot.

5. Try Acupressure

Acupressure is an ancient Chinese practice that uses pressure to heal certain ailments and is similar to acupuncture. To treat nausea, acupressure is applied on the arm. The technique has been so effective that it’s also used on patients who’ve undergone chemotherapy.7

Bring your middle and index fingers together. Press them firmly between the tendons along the inside of your wrist. You should feel a groove in this spot.8 Move your fingers in a circular motion for 2–3minutes if you like. Repeat on the other arm.

6. Lie Down And Rest

Movements can some time trigger nausea and worsen it. In such cases, try to lie down still and see if it helps. Even better, try to take a quick power nap of sorts. This might make your body forget about any signs of nausea.

Lie down on the floor or bed. Try keeping your head and upper body elevated or with no pillow whatsoever. Either might work for you. If lying flat on the floor works for you, try folding your knees to your chest as well and breathe naturally. You can also try this in the seated position.

7. Eat And Drink Right

Very likely, your nausea might be a result of what you ate and drank. If not the cause, it can definitely make things worse for you! So eat healthily and drink liquids high in electrolytes.

Eat light and healthy foods. Avoid carbonated drinks and foods with high carbohydrates. Also, consume in small quantities and slowly.

8. Make A Sugar Syrup

Nausea makes you feel tired and helpless. Sugar is a good energy booster and water hydrates your body.

Pour 1/2 cup of white sugar and 1/4 cup of water in a saucepan. Stir the mixture on medium heat till you get a clear syrup. Let it cool down to room temperature. Take a spoon or two, as much as you need, to feel better.

Overall, there’s no need to feel helpless or pop a pill every time you feel nauseous. Try any one or all of these tips, one at a time, figure out what works best for you, and let us know as well!


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