4 Offbeat Foods Men Should Take To Stop Hair Loss

As you age, hair loss is evident. Contending with thinning tresses and bald spots can be stressful. The good news is that studies show that it is possible to get your mane back up by making some dietary changes. Here are top 4 foods that you should fill your plate to get your hair back.


When it comes to preventing hair loss, zinc is a super nutrient. In a study, researchers examined the zinc and copper levels in men and women experiencing hair loss. The results revealed that the subjects had significantly lower levels of zinc than controls. Thus, eating zinc-rich foods and zinc supplementation can slow hair loss and is a great idea to add it to your diet. Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food. So, load up your fridge with this seafood.


A recent finding indicated that a supplement containing Laminaria japonica (edible brown seaweed) and Cistanche tubular (a desert plant) promoted hair growth in people who suffer from mild to moderate hair loss. In the same study, the participants were given the above supplements and 13% increase in hair volume whereas 275 increases in hair thickness were observed. Moreover, the supplements were also effective in treating dandruff and inflammation.


Coconut, rosemary and pumpkin oil can serve to be an elixir for your scalp. In one study, men suffering from hair loss were given 400 mg of pumpkin seed oil for 24 weeks against placebo control group. Men who took pumpkin seed oil experienced a 40% increase in hair growth. What’s more interesting is that when these oils are used as a pre-wash and post-wash grooming product, they protect your hair against protein loss, prevent scalp itching and promote hair growth.


If used topically, honey can prevent hair thinning. In a finding, subjects experiencing seborrheic dermatitis that causes itching, scaling and hair loss applied a solution of 90% honey and 10% water to their scalp every day for 4 weeks. The results showed improvement in hair loss. Honey also has antifungal properties and can help fight that pesky dandruff. Its moisturizing properties can make your hair softer and shinier.


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