5 Benefits of having carrot ginger juice every morning

A healthy outside starts from the inside - Robert Urich.

Drinking a healthy juice along with your breakfast is an excellent idea to start your day. It satiates your hunger and helps your body to derive vital nutrients and vitamins that are so essential. Juices are easy to drink compared to whole fruits and veggies and are quickly absorbed by the body.
Most Indian people like to reach out for a cup of tea or coffee first thing in the morning. However, there are many healthy alternatives to the cup of caffeinated drink. A glass of freshly blended ginger and carrot juice can provide you many nutrients and antioxidants which are easily digestible and quickly absorbed by our body.
The best way to derive maximum benefits of juices is to drink them on an empty stomach. You will be surprised at the below listed five benefits of drinking carrot and ginger juice every morning, it:

Detoxifies and heals the body:

A detox juice is the quickest method to get rid of all the toxins accumulated inside the body. Carrots and ginger contain cleansing properties and act as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. It gives you a healthy glow from the inside out. Also, the carrots help to heal wounds and injuries much faster.

Improves the texture of your skin:

Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene and vitamin C which boost the health of your skin. It helps the skin to produce collagen which is required to maintain its elasticity. Carrots are also a great source of vitamin E which is an antioxidant and acts as a natural sun protection. One cup of carrot ginger juice supplies about 1.5 milligrams of vitamin E (approximately 10% of daily intake.)

Promotes the functioning of the heart:

The beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein contents in carrots improve the cardiovascular health by reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Blood pressure is regulated because of the potassium content in them. In addition to this, ginger acts as an excellent source to check the cholesterol levels.

Keeps Diabetes under control:

It may help to keep away diabetes. Ginger can be a useful addition to the home remedies (when used in moderation) for reducing the blood sugar levels. It may help to regulate insulin production. However, make sure to speak to your doctor regarding the dosage and side effects.

Boosts the immunity:

Freshly made Carrot-ginger juice contains loads of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. These vitamins help to improve the immunity in children as well as adults. Vitamin A contributes to developing white blood cells by pairing with the stem cells in your bone marrow.


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