Foods to AVOID During Periods

During your period your body sheds its uterine lining. This natural process can cause bothersome symptoms, from depressive moods and irritability to painful cramps, breast tenderness and bloat. A healthy diet can go a long way toward minimising these effects -- particularly if you emphasise nutritious foods, and limit problematic ones. If your symptoms are severe or long-lasting, seek guidance from your doctor.

Refined Grains

Refined grains lose much of the original grain's nutrient content during food processing. As a result, they can interfere with blood sugar and appetite control between meals -- factors that can worsen menstrual symptoms. For reduced menstrual pain, the University of Maryland Medical Center recommends limiting refined foods, such as white bread, enriched pasta and sugary sweets, and opting for whole grains instead. Other common refined grain products include instant rice, low-fiber cereals, pretzels and commercially prepared cookies, cakes and pastries.

Caffeinated Foods and Beverages

Caffeine is a stimulant that occurs naturally in plants, such as tea, coffee and cocoa beans. It's also added to various diet products and beverages. While caffeine affects people differently, it can contribute to irregular periods, according to Marcelle Peck, an obstetrician and gynaecologist in Yarmouth, Maine. Caffeine can also worsen agitated moods, sleep difficulties and menstrual pain. To avoid these risks, limit your intake of energy drinks, coffee, black tea, soft drinks, chocolate and coffee-flavored sweets.

Foods Containing Trans-Fats

Avoiding trans-fats can also help reduce pain during your period, according to the UMMC. Trans-fats, also called trans-fatty acids, are prevalent in French fries, onion rings, doughnuts, commercially baked goods, hard margarine and all foods that list hydrogenated vegetable oil as ingredients. For heightened benefits, replace these foods with healthy alternatives, such as nuts, seeds, avocados and olive oil. These foods contain unsaturated fats, which may help reduce inflammation.

Fatty Meats and Dairy Products

The fats found in meats and dairy products are saturated. Similar to trans-fats, saturated fats can cause and worsen pain and inflammation during your period. The UMMC recommends eating more fish, lean meats and beans for protein for reduced pain. Avoiding high-fat cheese sauces, heavy cream, ice cream, meats with visible fat and dishes prepared with cheese or butter can also help.


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