Do You Have Dry Skin? Blame Your Sleep Cycle

Yes, ladies, you need to sleep more if you want to say goodbye to dry skin forever.

Ladies, you all know that sleep is very important. After all, lack of sleep can make it different for you to function properly. Not to mention that it can make your eyes all puffy. However, did you know that it can also dry up your skin? Yes, ladies, you read that right. Not getting enough sleep can lead to dry skin. After all, there's a reason why it's called beauty sleep, right?

According to various studies, sleep deprivation can cause multiple skin problems, including breakouts, dryness, and wrinkles. You see, sleep is good for your brain, body, and skin, and if you don't get enough, you deprive each of its nourishment.

When you have a good night's rest, your body works to remove dead blood cells and dead brain cells and clears the pathways for new synapses to take place so that new blood and brain cells can replace old ones.

This makes your brain get rid of 60% more toxins when you get the proper amount of sleep, she adds. Overall, this helps you feel more refreshed when you get up, able to think more clearly, and gives your skin that I woke up like this glowing look. Sleep helps hydrate your skin so it doesn't get all dry and flaky. In other words, adequate sleep is like a natural moisturizer.

And there's more to that. Not only does not get enough sleep negatively affect your body, it affects the moisture levels in your skin, decreasing them and also lowering your complexion's pH levels, which is why your skin looks less youthful and has less of a glow. What happens when the skin's pH level drops you ask? Well, when your skin's pH levels drop, they create an imbalance, causing your skin to not be able to produce the moisture it needs, so it makes it look drier. It can also create unnecessary redness, leaving your skin uneven and even trigger breakouts.

So ladies, make it a point to get at least 6 hours of sleep. If you can't-do that for some reason, just go to bed 15 minutes earlier every night and continue adding 15 minutes until you feel wide awake all day along. Happy napping, Y'all!


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