9 Everyday Morning Habits That Contribute To Weight Gain

9 Everyday Morning Habits That Contribute To Weight Gain

Admit it - we all commit to ourselves for shedding a few pounds every day but we all end up with out-of-control portion sizes, fast food, happy hour and binge eating. The biggest mistake people make when they are trying to lose weight is starting their day off with wrong habits. The decisions you make in the morning can set the tone for the whole day.

If you make healthy decisions in the morning you will be able to make healthy decisions all day and the same is true for the reverse.

Here we bring you nine everyday morning habits that contribute to weight gain.

1. Sleeping too much

Getting a proper sleep is very necessary for your health and mind. However, oversleeping might not be better for you either.

A recent study conducted by PLOS One Journal found that sleeping more than 10 hours a night can lead to a higher body mass index. The recommended sleeping time is 7 to 9 hours.
2. Skipping breakfast or eating too little
Many studies found that skipping breakfast in the morning can be helpful for preventing weight gain. A healthier breakfast may help prevent excess hunger later in the day.

Skipping breakfast or eating too little will make you hungry and you will opt for unhealthy food choices and larger than needed portion sizes. However, eating breakfast even when you are not hungry can make you gain weight.
3. High-calorie coffee drinks
There are many health benefits of coffee but that simply doesn't mean all coffee drinks are healthy for you.

Drinking a coffee in the morning with a lot of sugar, artificial sweetener, preservatives and high-calorie components is not the best thing when trying to lose weight. Go for black coffee as it will help you in burning the fat.
4. Not getting enough sunlight
Yes, not getting enough sunlight in the morning can make you gain weight. Research has shown that UV rays in the morning are healthy. They provide energy to the body while triggering metabolic activity.

Getting between 20 to 30 minutes of sunshine in the morning is enough to have positive effects on your body mass index.
5. Waiting too long to eat breakfast
When you sleep, your body continues to consume energy from what you ate the dinner. That is why you wake up hungry in the morning. Waiting too long to eat breakfast after you wake up can also influence weight gain.

Try to eat within the first hour of getting out of bed. If possible, drink a healthy beverage like tea or lukewarm water with lemon juice.
6. Impulse eating
Impulse eating can be dangerous any time of the day, especially in the morning. Keep your morning routine free of making food or drink decisions that are unhealthy.

Avoid morning temptations like doughnuts, baked goods or high-fat breakfast sandwiches. Eating something before you get to the office or before your drive to work can help you not give in to those temptations.
7. Doing too much in a hurry
If you start doing multiple things the moment you wake up, you are likely to gain weight. Having multiple activities that start from the second you wake up can make you feel like you time is limited.

You do things in the rush and it increases feelings of anxiety if done on regular basis. The anxiety affects your body weight. Try to wake up 20-30 minutes earlier to do things at the normal pace.
8. Eating processed snacks
When you burn down few calories, you get the feeling of hunger and mid-morning snacks are best to kill it. However, some people choose commercial, processed products.

They may be very tasty, but these options are loaded with calories and other substances. Instead of controlling your hunger they increase your desire of eating more. You should better choice for healthy alternatives like nuts or fruits.
9. Not hydrating
When you wake up in the morning, you are dehydrated because you don't drink water during the night. That is why it's important for you to hydrate yourself when you wake up in the morning. Being hydrated helps you with proper balance and can impact appetite. Drinking plain water or green tea can hydrate your body better than coffee.

Unhealthy decisions anytime of the day can affect your weight loss regime badly. Give up these habits and you will be able to get the desired results.


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