
Showing posts from October, 2017

Eggs Are Worse Than Cigarettes?

Eggs are the Dr Jekylll and Mr Hyde of the breakfast world. One day they’re a diet darling, chockful of healthy fats, vitamin E, and protein. The next thing you hear: Eggs are bad for you—as bad as cigarettes, in fact, according to a recent study in the journal Atherosclerosis. Confused? We’ve got you covered. First, here’s the deal on that new study. Researchers from Western University in Canada examined over 1,200 men and women to come to the conclusion that regularly eating egg yolks was two-thirds as bad as smoking when it comes to carotid plaque in the arteries, a known risk factor for stroke and heart attack. But before you ditch the eggs, experts point out that this study doesn’t exactly give the whole picture. The main crack: The research shows an association between egg consumption and plaque buildup, rather than a cause-and-effect relationship, says cardiologist Gordon Tomaselli, MD from the American Heart Association. (In other words, there’s no way to tell which

Health Benefits Of Curd Specially For Man

Commercials featuring smiling women digging into yogurt containers can give the mistaken impression that men have no reason to seek out the tangy treat. Actually, men can gain a wide variety of health benefits from making yogurt a regular fixture of their diets, ranging from improved digestion to better sexual health. Combat Obesity Some scientists suspect that certain dairy products, including yogurt, can help obese men lose weight. In the results of a long-term study published in 2008 in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, The same relationship between yogurt and weight changes did not hold true for overweight women. Boost Sexual Health If the results of studies conducted on male mice are any indication, yogurt may have sexual benefits for men as well. According to a research review published in the journal “PLoS ONE” in 2014, male mice fed a yogurt diet have developed larger testicles, higher testosterone levels, and higher sperm concentrations. Dr Susan Erdman

This Simple Habit Will Increase Your Intelligence By 25 Per Cent, Suggests Neuroscience

The neuroscience has advised a simple daily habit, which takes even less than the time it takes you to take your breakfast but it could raise your intelligence by around one fourth of the total intelligence you have. Intelligence has two categories Neuroscience categorises intelligence in two categories i.e. fluid intelligence and crystallised intelligence. Fluid intelligence is defined as your ability to solve problems, identify patterns and use logic and in brief, it involves your creativity, awareness and innovation. And crystallised intelligence is your ability to use experience, skills and information. This improves with age. Doing daily meditation just for 4 days helped So by reading more, collecting more facts, listening to podcasts etc, it is easy to increase your crystallised intelligence but it's commonly thought that fluid intelligence is largely fixed. However, fresh studies have shown that you can improve your fluid intelligence and the secret is doing m

Five foods you should avoid eating on empty stomach

One should always be cautious about the first thing you have in the morning. Some food good for you when eaten on an empty stomach can turn harmful. Ignoring it can actually cause problems. Including the food that can be a good part of a balanced breakfast is not the only thing that you have to consider. Actually, there are a lot of healthy foods that you have to avoid as well, as they are harmful to be consumed on an empty stomach. So, here are five foods you should avoid eating on an empty stomach:- 1. Yogurt.              Empty stomach's hydrochloric acid kills the 'good for you' lactic acid bacteria present in yogurt. Although eating yogurt on an empty doesn't harm you, it will not provide you with all its health benefits if your stomach is empty. 2. Fruits to avoid.               Pear, banana and citrus fruits can make matters worse if they are consumed on an empty stomach. Pear has crude fibre that can injure the mucous membranes of an emp

Brown Eggs Or White Eggs, Which Is Healthy?

Eggs are considered healthy, especially those who go for the regular workout. Also, most of us have this ingrained in our brain that brown eggs are healthy than the white eggs, so whenever we see brown eggs in the market we tend to grab it quickly. Well, this is something which is not exactly correct according to a new research. The fact is that eggs come in many colours. The different eggshells colour comes from the pigments the hens produce. hence, both white and brown eggs have the same nutritional values and are healthy. This is just one of the fact about eggs. In addition to this let's learn about few other myths associated with eggs and the facts. Myths: Eggs increase the blood cholesterol level and should be avoided. Fact: Eggs does not increase the blood cholesterol level. In fact, it should not be avoided as they are an excellent source of the portion. While measuring the impact of a food item on our blood cholesterol levels, saturated and trans-fat (the &

Amazing Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts

Cashew is a very good dry fruit which is beneficial for our health. By consuming few cashew nuts daily, our body remains fit and healthy. It protects our body from many diseases and strengthens our bones. Home remedies to get glowing skin Cashew nuts contain protein and iron in large amount. The consumption of Cashew nuts helps in the good flow of blood in our body and it also balances the cholesterol level in our body. It also helps in bringing glow on our skin and strengthens hair In morning empty stomach consuming cashew nuts daily fills our body full form energy and helps in overcoming tension. Consumption of cashew nuts is also very beneficial for the brain. It contains plenty of vitamin B which acts to prevent the formation of acids in the body. If you consume cashew nuts with milk, then blood pressure is also in control. Interesting health benefits of eating raisins Cashew nuts contain abundant anti-oxidant properties that work to strengthen your diges

What are the benefits of lady finger?

High fibre content: the dietary fibre content of a lady's finger is known to be high and hence many health specialists recommend it for digestive benefits. The fibres aid the process of digestion in the body by facilitating proper bowel movement. Diabetes: Ladyfinger is known to aid in the prevention of diabetes. It is rich in Fibre which helps in the prevention of this disease. Good folates content: Folates present in lady's finger reduce the neural tube defects in a newborn baby. So it is highly recommended for women during preconception period of pregnancy. Vitamin K benefits: Vitamin K is a co-factor in the blood-clotting process and also plays a major role in strengthening the bones in our body. Asthma: Asthma can also be treated by including lady fingers in your meals. People diagnosed with asthma are strongly suggested to consume lady's finger. Sunstroke: Ladyfinger helps prevent sunstrokes.

10 Foods You Should Strictly Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most unexceptional moment in a woman's life. It is that moment when everybody is extra careful about the expecting mother specially when it comes to food. The food consumed by the mother can directly affect the health of the child. According to a health practitioner and macrobiotic nutritionist, Dr Shilpa Arora, "All kind of packaged and adulterated food items should be avoided during pregnancy. Intake of iron rich products is good for the health. Seasonal and dark colored fruits like jamun are proved to be healthy for both the mother and child." So here are some expert advice on what foods to avoid during pregnancy 1. Fish and Seafood Large fish contain high level of mercury which is harmful for infants or young children. It can cause damage to the brain and the nervous system. Pregnant women are strictly advised to avoid the intake of large fish like tuna, shark, swordfish, walleye, marlin and so forth. Canned tuna is said to contain low

How To Grow Thick Hair Naturally?

1. Avoid Harsh Chemical based hair products Most hair shampoos and conditioners contain harsh chemicals that are effective in cleaning, but they dry out your hair, causing much damage. Some people don't get affected by them, but it's better to avoid them rather than to damage your hair. 2. Avoid too much washing of hair Every time you wash your hair, it strips your hair of nutrients and essential natural oils. Our scalp produces natural oils which cover and protect the hair from the polluted environment. Washing your hair everyday make it weaker over time, causing hair thinning and breakage. 3. Hot Oil Massage Massage natural oils, like coconut, olive or jojoba, as it contributes to strengthening your hair and stimulates hair growth. Massaging the scalp revitalize the hair follicles to thicken hair naturally. Warm the natural oil of your choice to a comfortable temperature before massaging your scalp. Let it sit on your scalp for 45-60 minutes and t

Do You Have Dry Skin? Blame Your Sleep Cycle

Yes, ladies, you need to sleep more if you want to say goodbye to dry skin forever. Ladies, you all know that sleep is very important. After all, lack of sleep can make it different for you to function properly. Not to mention that it can make your eyes all puffy. However, did you know that it can also dry up your skin? Yes, ladies, you read that right. Not getting enough sleep can lead to dry skin. After all, there's a reason why it's called beauty sleep, right? According to various studies, sleep deprivation can cause multiple skin problems, including breakouts, dryness, and wrinkles. You see, sleep is good for your brain, body, and skin, and if you don't get enough, you deprive each of its nourishment. When you have a good night's rest, your body works to remove dead blood cells and dead brain cells and clears the pathways for new synapses to take place so that new blood and brain cells can replace old ones. This makes your brain get rid of 60% more to