
Showing posts from July, 2017

Things To Do 30 Minutes Before Bed For Weight Loss

Did you know that there are certain bedtime hacks that will help you lose weight with ease? Yes, there are and you'll be amazed to find out about these numerous habits that we have listed here, which will help you lose weight effectively. Real successful weight loss goals can be achieved in one of the most unexpected places, which is the bedroom. You can actually sleep your way to fitness and what more do we need in life other than this news, right? There are only a few simple changes that you need to do to your daily habits that will help you achieve your daily weight loss goal. In this article, we have listed some of the best bedtime habits to lose weight effectively. So, continue reading to find out what to do before bedtime to lose weight better. 1. Know How Important Sleep Is: Sleep is very important for weight loss and hence you have to give its due. People who have a good amount of sleep have reduced levels of ghrelin and increased amounts of leptin, which help co

Acne Face Mapping For Identifying Pimples With Causes And Solutions

Skin breakouts are a common problem. And it becomes even more annoying when it shows up before an important event. Covering it up with makeup is a temporary solution and can aggravate the problem further. The only way to prevent acne from coming back is finding its root cause. The Meaning of Acne Face Map? You might have often noticed that acne pops up in similar spots over and over again. Why do you think this happens? The solution lies in an Ayurvedic technique known as face mapping. This can mean that the area where acne constantly appears might have to do something that is happening inside your body. Face mapping connects facial skin areas with several internal organs. This is the reason why facial mapping is essential for skin care. The location of acne breakout can reveal whether the acne appeared because of hormonal reasons or it's just normal acne. Examine where your acne breaks out most of the time. This can determine and give clues on what is causing it. In certa

Signs You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

Water is the best supplement and medicine for your body. Nothing can replace the job that water does in your body. If you are not drinking enough water, be ready to face its consequences. Our body has a natural alarm system to warn us when there is a lack of water. It is important to know these signs so that you will not continue leaving your body dehydrated. Water has many functions to do in our body like lubrication and moistening, detoxification, transportation of nutrients, keeping up cell functions, maintaining healthy internal organs, etc. While drinking water throughout the day is important, drinking it early in the morning when you wake up has something special. It is the best time to take water as a medicine because this will help In detoxification of the body. Also, it was found that drinking water from copper containers is healthy. If you want to know more about it, then click here. Drink water before you start noticing the signs of thirst. Remember that you

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat 4 Almonds a Day

It’s not often that delicious is also healthy, and almonds are one of such rarities. They contain lots of vitamins and other elements we need to be beautiful and healthy. Today Bright Side would like to tell you of 7 positive changes that occur if you eat these nuts every day. Cholesterol decrease Almonds are among the 5 most effective products for reducing "bad" cholesterol. If it’s already too high, increase the number of almonds to 20-30 a day. The symptoms are white spots on your lower eyelids, aching legs, and early grey hair. Healthy hair Almonds contain almost all the vitamins and minerals needed to improve the growth of your hair and make it stronger. Magnesium and zinc stimulate hair growth, vitamin E makes it stronger, and vitamin B gives gloss and longevity. Preventing heart diseases The antioxidants, monounsaturated fats, magnesium, and copper in almonds heavily support the heart and blood vessels. To prevent ischemic heart disease and o

8 Tricks To Get Immediate Rid Of Hiccups

They just hit you anytime, anywhere and it may be embarrassing in certain situations. These spasms of your diaphragm muscle are not harmful, but until you find a hiccups cure, they can drive you nuts. If you have tried all your grandma’s tips and what not but are still desperate to know how to stop them, try these 8 tricks. Swallow something sweet or something sour A spoonful of sugar is a popular hiccups cure because its graininess could slightly irritate the oesophagus, causing the phrenic nerves to "reset" themselves, although there is no proof of this.You may also take a teaspoonful of vinegar as its sour taste could stop a hiccup in its tracks. Have some peanut butter Eating a big spoonful of peanut butter is another classic hiccups cure. In the process of chewing and getting it off your tongue and teeth, your swallowing and breathing patterns are interrupted. And hence, the hiccups will be history. Sip some hot sauce This probably works because the heat and b

15 Unbelievable Benefits Of Sleeping On The Floor

You are tired like hell. Bones are aching with pain. The body needs rest and sleep, immediate sleep. Where are you going to sleep? Obviously on a bed! Think of our grandparents and ancestors who were all hale-and-hearty sleeping on the floor. And they lived long and had fewer ailments than most of us today. The questions arise- how? and why? Let’s find out how sleeping on the floor can turn out to be the biggest “health boon” for us. What Does Sleeping On The Floor Mean? One of the greatest pleasures you can give to yourself and your body is sleeping on the floor. You can let go of yourself, as there is less of ‘tossing and turning’ around. It also helps you to wake up early and gives you a whole lot of benefits. How To Sleep On The Floor? ‘On your back’ – this is the best sleeping position you can give to yourself. It aligns your body, gives it the relaxation it needs, and makes you sleep like a baby.Though it might be a little uncomfortable in the beginning, you just have

4 Exercises which helps you to Burn Belly Fat Fast

If you are looking to lose belly fat fast then try these exercise tips for fast results.if you guys think that only dieting will burn your belly fat, you are wrong. The secret to losing fat is no secret at all. when it comes down to this clean balanced eating consistent workouts and regular restorative sleep present you the top 4 exercises which will help you in losing belly fat fastly Push Ups:                                            Push ups for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds Deep Squat:                                            Deep Squat for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds Burpees:                                            Burpees for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds HHSA Plank:                                            HHSA Plank for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds Start Exercising, Repeat the all 4 exercises each 20 seconds for 5 times.This workout may help you in losing belly fat easily and fastly.These exercises will help you take in

Health benefits of Giloy!

Giloy is a recognised as ‘Amrita’ in Sanskrit which means ‘the root of immortality’. It is a perfect Ayurvedic herb that treats several diseases. It contains a lot of medicinal properties that works well on the body. One can make use of giloy in any form like juice, powder or capsules. As per one of Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat, “The stem of Giloy is of maximum utility, but the root can also be used. Its benefits and uses have even been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).” Check some of its benefits here: Enhances Immunity:   Giloy involves a lot of antioxidants that combat with free radicals to make cells fit. Helpful in reducing Chronic Fever:   It contains antipyretic properties that help to eliminate diseases including dengue, swine flu and chikungunya. The blood platelets count gets increased by taking giloy juice. The risk of dengue fever also gets reduced. Makes Digestion better:   issue Gilroy is beneficial to get rid of