
Showing posts from August, 2017

Benefits Of Having Dates Everyday

Dates contain magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, iron, sulphur, calcium and oil. Eat a date daily to enjoy its health benefits. But again, don’t overeat them. Some people even consume the paste of dates especially during the recovery process after an illness. Apart from the many benefits, they can also prevent abdominal cancer. Also, you can break a fast by eating a date as it prevents excessive consumption after the fasting period.Also, as dates contain potassium, they are good for you nervous system. They also contain fibre and are good for digestion.Here are some benefits of having dates every day. Benefits of having dates every day are: Prevents Constipation:  Soak a few dates in water overnight. Drinking the water in the morning can move your bowels as it acts as a laxative. You’ll Get Enough Of Iron:  Dates are a rich source of iron. Iron is important for your red blood cells and therefore, women need it. Also, dates can prevent anaemia. Cho

10 Personal Hygiene Mistakes You Need To Stop Making

Personal hygiene is definitely important. Not only does it take your style quotient to the next level, it is the first step to good physical health and well being. However, there are some age old myths about personal hygiene that are completely baseless and following them hurts you. The worst part is that we consider these habits as healthy and are completely ignorant about how and to what extent these habits are adversely affecting our health. So it is worthwhile to mention these mistakes. 1. Over-bathing: The hot and sultry tropical summers may force us to derive relief by taking a shower very frequently but one must keep in mind that over-bathing is the root cause of many dermatological problems, such as irritation. The human body is home to several species of bacteria and other microbes. Excessive bathing can lead to dry, cracked skin, which increases the chances of bacteria entering the body and causing infection. 2. Toothbrush: Not taking care of your toothbrus

Canker sore: When you get ulcers near the mouth

What are canker sores? Canker sores are small ulcers which develop in the mouth. They are also known as aphthous ulcers. These ulcers are usually shallow in nature. These sores may make it difficult for one talk or swallow food and can be painful. Such sores are normally white or yellow in colour and have a red border. These are nonetheless not cancerous. Anyone can develop canker sores. Usually, in a week or two, these wounds heal on their own. In the case of large sores that are painful and do not heal easily, even after a week, they must be brought to the notice of your dentist or doctor. CAUSES AND RISK FACTORS Causes These sores can develop due to a variety of reasons. Their exact cause is still a mystery. These can be triggered by: Any injury, even from fervent brushing or an unintentional cheek bite Sensitivities to certain foods Lack of vitamin B-12, iron, zinc or folic acid in diet Food allergy Mouth rinses and toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulphate Hormonal

Lose Fat in 10 Days!Follow these methods!

Fat loss takes time, and the best results come slowly -- 1 to 2 kgs a week. Burning off a significant amount of belly fat in 10 days is practically impossible. Instead of following a crash diet, use the 10 days to jump-start a healthier diet and exercise program to help you trim belly fat, a dangerous kind that puts you at greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease, dementia, breast cancer in women and type 2 diabetes. If the dietary changes and exercise strategies are dramatic for you, you may shed a couple of pounds of fat as well as some excess water weight in 10 days. The Problems With Belly Fat Belly fat is different from the subcutaneous, or below-the-skin, the fat found largely on the hips, thighs and arms. It's deep, the visceral fat that surrounds internal organs and acts almost like an endocrine organ, secreting harmful compounds that increase body inflammation. Men tend to accumulate belly fat more than women, but around the time of menopause, hormones

9 Everyday Morning Habits That Contribute To Weight Gain

9 Everyday Morning Habits That Contribute To Weight Gain Admit it - we all commit to ourselves for shedding a few pounds every day but we all end up with out-of-control portion sizes, fast food, happy hour and binge eating. The biggest mistake people make when they are trying to lose weight is starting their day off with wrong habits. The decisions you make in the morning can set the tone for the whole day. If you make healthy decisions in the morning you will be able to make healthy decisions all day and the same is true for the reverse. Here we bring you nine everyday morning habits that contribute to weight gain. 1. Sleeping too much Getting a proper sleep is very necessary for your health and mind. However, oversleeping might not be better for you either. A recent study conducted by PLOS One Journal found that sleeping more than 10 hours a night can lead to a higher body mass index. The recommended sleeping time is 7 to 9 hours. 2. Skipping breakfast or eating too lit