
Showing posts from November, 2017

One Simple Way to Check Your Health in One Minute

We all know how important it is to monitor our health condition, yet few of us like going to doctors. Bright Side found a simple way to perform a health checkup without leaving your home. Take a common spoon, and scrape it over the entire surface of the tongue, abundantly wetting it with saliva. Put the spoon into a transparent plastic bag, and place it under a bright light: the sun or a desk lamp. Wait 1 minute, and check the spoon. A clean spoon with no stains or unpleasant odours means you have no problems with the health of your internal organs. If there’s an odour: Putrefactive, strong — problems with the lungs or stomach; Sweet — it may be diabetes; Ammonia — problems with the kidneys. If there are stains: White or yellow with a thick coating — thyroid gland dysfunction; Purple — bronchitis, poor blood circulation, high cholesterol level; White — respiratory infection; Orange — kidney disease. Remember that this method is for informational purposes on

He Washed His Face With These And His Wife Could Not Believe It, Because He Looked Younger Than Her

Consistently our skin is presented to many components that can debilitate influence its excellence and step by step crumble your wellbeing. Today we will advise as to revive your face washed. Quite often, wash your face in the morning and night helps us keep up a clean and saturated skin, on the grounds that with this standard cleanliness and excellence evacuate overabundance fat In the market there items devoted to this reason, yet regularly don’t get the coveted results.Unfortunately, they additionally contain destructive chemicals and it could cost us a ‘penny’. Common stain­remover It is therefore that we present to you a totally protected and productive home cure that will help take care of medical issues in your skin and make you look more youthful in the blink of an eye. Trust it or not, this is an effective mix fit for deleting scars, age spots and treat skin break out. Sodium bicarbonate is the antiperspirant, astounding peeling, brightening to the teeth and direc

Amazing Health Benefits of Kissing You Don't Know

1.It helps to reduce stress. While kissing Oxytocin hormones is releasing which makes you calm, to feelEndorphins hormones which make feel good 2.It burns calories of body. A kiss of one minutes burns 26 calories. Sensitivity of lips are 200 more than that of finger 3.Lowering blood pressure as well as cholesterol. It stabilizes cardiovascular system that keeps your heart good 4.Helps to relieve pain espesially from headache 5.It involvs 34 facial muscles exercise hile kissing which helps to tighten the skin 6.It reduces allergy in respiratory trach and improve dental health 7.Incrase your confidence level and boot the self-esteem 8.Increase the depth of love with your partner 9.Increase immunity in body 10.Kissing every morning increase your longivity upto five years

Alcohol Makes Your Memory Sharp And Gives You Glowing Skin! Know Health Benefits Of Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol Makes Your Memory Sharp And Gives You Glowing Skin! Know Health Benefits Of Drinking Alcohol Drinking alcohol in abundance is obviously not a good habit but restricting yourself to a single glass has some really great benefits on your health. 'Drinking alcohol every day for better health' doesn't seem like a good idea but it has proven benefits that we can't also deny. These Surprising Facts About Alcohol Will Make You Go HIGH! A glass of wine or a pint of beer during dinner can reduce the risk of developing heart diseases. Moreover, drinking out in small amounts will make you more attractive and can even out your skin tone. Here we present you some proven benefits of different alcoholic drinks. Have you ever took bath in a pool full of alcohol?? In this spa, you can take a dip into pool of Wine, Green Tea and Coffee Alcohol and Drugs took over these Bollywood Stars, It ruined them and Killed them! Yoga With Beer Can Make You Healthy, Do You Wan

5 Times You Should Avoid Drinking Water!

Times You Shouldn’t Drink Water Did you know that there is a right time to  drink water ? Yes, right time – you must always drink water in the morning; drink it before sleep, and also before having a meal. This was all about drinking water at the right time. Now did you know when you should avoid it? No, right? Let me tell you, it’s certainly very important to know about these details as it shapes your lifestyle and health. I know there are many people who keep on saying “Always drink more water”, but it shouldn’t be that way. You should know everything about when to avoid drinking water too. Drinking during meals Yes, avoid drinking water during meals. It is certainly not a good habit because when you’re having a meal, and you keep drinking water, what happens is your stomach get’s full and then there’s no space for food in your stomach. Always remember that drinking water during meals dilutes the digestive enzymes and acids in your stomach which makes it hard to dig